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PROBATION Form 48.pdf

Net Worth Statement
Having been convicted in the United States District Court, you are required to prepare and file with the probation officer an affidavit fully describing your financial resources, including a complete listing of all assets you own or control as of this date and any assets you have transferred or sold since your arrest. Amendments were made to 18 U.S.C. §§ 3663(a)(1)(B)(i), 3664(d)(3), and 3664(f)(2), and Rule 32(b)(4)(F) to clarify that the assets owned, jointly owned, or controlled by an offender, and liabilities are all relevant to the court’s decision regarding the ability to pay.
Your Net Worth Statement should include assets or debts that are yours alone (I-Individual), assets or debts that are jointly (J-Joint) held by you and a spouse or significant other, assets or debts that are held by a spouse or significant other (S-Spouse or Significant Other) that you enjoy the benefits of or make occasional contributions toward, and assets or debts that are held by a dependent (D-Dependent) that you enjoy the benefits of or make occasional contributions toward.